Dataset Identification:

Resource Abstract:
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Station unr/gnss/J193/6383/L2/24:00:00 Name: J193 Processing Level: L2 measurement_technique: gnss variable_measured: position creator:GSI, JAPAN data_start_time:2009-01-02T00:00:00 data_stop_time:2018-03-16T00:00:00 GPS/GNSS instrumentation records broadcast signals from the GPS and other satellite constellation, and these raw data are converted into standard daily RINEX files suitable for processing. GPS/GNSS data are recorded at 15-s or 30-s intervals. Several hundred stations of the PBO network also supply downloaded or streamed 1-s data for archiving and distribution. In addition highrate data of 1 Hz or 5 Hz may be Custom Data Requested in association with an event such as a significant earthquake. For data of all rates UNAVCO translates to RINEX and quality checks the data using teqc. GAGE Analysis Centers process data for all 1100 sites in the PBO GPS/GNSS network and for other sites, including most of the sites in COCONet in the Caribbean region and an additional 500 sites distributed across North America, most of which are operated by other institutions. The final, processed products are SINEX solutions, position ti Web Service Link [" The hydrologic models are surface-loading displacement time series calculated at GAGE-processed sites from hydrological data. Soil moisture, snow-water equivalent from snowpack, and water stored in vegetation exert a load on the Earth's surface that is modeled to obtain displacements at GPS/GNSS sites. Outputs GPS crustal motion velocity field estimates. "] Web Service Link [" Results from daily GPS station position solutions are combined to generate long-term velocity estimate solutions of stations in IGS08 and NAM08 (North America fixed) reference frames. Station offsets due to earthquakes and equipment changes are estimated and low-quality outliers due to snow, for example, are removed from the velocity estimate solutions "]
Title Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Station unr/gnss/J193/6383/L2/24:00:00 Processing Level:L2 Variable:
publication  Date   2018-06-01
Topic Category:  geoscientificInformation,environment
Theme keywords (theme):
Hydrologic Models
thesaurus name >
publication  Date   2018-01-01
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Process > Geologic Processes
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Science Domain > Earth Science
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Feature > Marine Feature
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Method > information processing
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Material > Biological Material
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Material > Environmental Material
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Property > Measure
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Resource Type > Dataset
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Material > Chemical
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Realm > Planetary Structure
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Process > Atmospheric Process
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Theme keywords (theme):
thesaurus name >
Title Resource Type > Web Service
publication  Date   2018-12-12
other Citation Details  Cinergi keyword enhanced.File generated at Wed Dec 12 05:54:30 UTC 2018
Resource language:  en
Resource extent
Geographic Extent
Geographic Bounding Box
westBoundLongitude  140.6296
eastBoundLongitude  140.6296
northBoundLatitude  39.0519
southBoundLatitude  39.0519
Temporal Extent
2009-01-02T00:00:00 2018-03-16T00:00:00
Vertical Extent
bottom 345.041
top 345.041
point of contact - pointOfContact
organisation Name  UNR
Contact information
electronic Mail
Back to top:

Resource distribution information

Format name UNAVCO Unified Web Services
Format version 0.0
Digital Transfer Options
Linkage for online resource
name API via SWAGGER Documentation
link function download
Description Documentation and URL builders for UNAVCO web services.
Digital Transfer Options
Linkage for online resource
name /gps/data/position/{station}/v3
link function download
Description Outputs processed GPS station position time series. Basic descriptions of parameter options are provided on the form. Note that the analysisCenter and referenceFrame parameters are codependent. More detailed descriptions are provided here
Digital Transfer Options
Linkage for online resource
name /gps/data/velocity/{station}/beta
link function download
Description Outputs GPS crustal motion velocity field estimates. Results from daily GPS station position solutions are combined to generate long-term velocity estimate solutions of stations in IGS08 and NAM08 (North America fixed) reference frames. Station offsets due to earthquakes and equipment changes are estimated and low-quality outliers due to snow, for example, are removed from the velocity estimate solutions. More detailed descriptions are provided here:
Digital Transfer Options
Linkage for online resource
name GET /hydro/model/load/displacement/{station}/beta
link function download
Description Outputs Hydrological Loading Timeseries. Hydrological products are displacement models calculated at GPS/GNSS station coordinates and based on loading from water stored as snowpack, soil moisture, and in vegetation. More detailed descriptions are provided here:
Metadata data stamp:
Metadata contact - pointOfContact
organisation Name  Earthcube CINERGI Metadata Pipeline
position Name CINERGI Metadata Contact
Contact information
electronic Mail
Metadata language  en
standard version:  2003
Metadata record identifier:  unr/gnss/J193/6383/L2/24:00:00

Metadata record format is ISO19139-2 XML (MI_Metadata)